Club Penguin Cheats | Universal Penguins™ By Penglo, Hunbun18 and Sirrah

November 14, 08

New News Paper on Club Penguin!


Club Penguin released a new News Paper today releasing some really cool new scoops 😀
They have said that their is going to be a dojo reopening party tommorow and that the ninja sensei has invited us to it 😀

Their is also going to be a really cool new training game that is coming out and it allows you to be a ninja if you complete it 🙂 the game is called Card-Jitsu!

It turns out that the Old Penguin at the Dojo is actually a Ninja Trainer! Here is is Story 😀

Here is some more info on the new game coming out and how to become a ninja


Thats pretty much it


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