Club Penguin Cheats | Universal Penguins™ By Penglo, Hunbun18 and Sirrah

May 3, 09

HNPS group will be posting + Rockhopper’s in disney world!

We are HNPS group and we will be posting also we have our site you can see in blogroll i hope we will help you our penguins:
Hunbun18,Nba iverson,Penglo,Starsoccer
ou 😉

Now lets talk about news because thats my job 🙂 you know rockhopper was in Disney World Florida and some people got to meet him. I think it was funny because people says so
“Im always looking for him in Club Penguin but now i got to meet him in real life”
“Meeting him was awesome and blue penguin was really funny”
Thats all for now we always will be here 😉

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